Written by EPMA
Partner: EPMA
Date: 18/03/2024
Place: Dětský domov se školou, středisko výchovné péče a základní škola, Jihlava
Workshop with children to validate R2 was organized by EPMA in the beautiful City of Jihlava. It took place in Children’s home with school, educational care center and elementary school (Dětský domov se školou, středisko výchovné péče a základní škola), which is our associated partner from the beginning of the project. It was attended by 6-8 children, their teacher Andrea and two experts from EPMA. The project’s workshop introduced educational material for children in a short presentation presenting various solutions for the city and better environment. Children saw how rainwater from roofs can be stored, how basins with rainwater can change back to the playground, how roofs could be more sustainable and fun! After the introduction part, we took an interactive tour together to the place which is most often visited by the children in the neighbourhood and spoke about how all those solutions could be used in the cityscape and public spaces.